Explore the lucrative world of multifamily investing

Transform your future with real estate investments

Achieve financial freedom through real estate investing.


Multifamily Investments

Investment Type

Let us help you grow your wealth through passive, value add Multifamily Real Estate investments.

Target Returns

Each investment opportunity has its own financial breakdown but we typically aim for a 15 - 20% internal rate of return.

Time Frame

When we find the right opportunity, we typically hold the investment between 3 to 5 years.

Who We Are

Picco Investing Solutions, LLC is a privately held investment firm focused on multi-family assets. We help our investors to get their hard-earned money working hard for them, versus them working hard for their money. The results are Passive Income, Tax Benefits, and Diversification. Our mission is to create a transparent and seamless investing experience for our investors and help them to take advantage of great cash flow, and large equity gains. We are a family owned and operated company with strong morals and strong values.

Who We Are

Picco Investing Solutions, LLC is a privately held investment firm focused on multi-family assets. We help our investors to get their hard-earned money working hard for them, versus them working hard for their money. The results are Passive Income, Tax Benefits, and Diversification. Our mission is to create a transparent and seamless investing experience for our investors and help them to take advantage of great cash flow, and large equity gains. We are a family owned and operated company with strong morals and strong values.

Why You Should Add Real Estate to Your Investment Plan

Cash Flow

After all expenses are paid, quarterly distributions go out to investors.


Multifamily is less volatile and continues to outperform traditional stock based investments.

Tax Benefits

Depreciation is a tax write-off that enables you to keep more of your profits.


You can leverage real estate, this allows you to buy a $10M property with only $2.5M.


Residents pay down debt which creates equity, this leads to long-term wealth.


Forced appreciation through strategic value plays increase the overall value of the property.

Our Network Has A Track Record Of Success


Total Units


Portfolio Value


Average ARR

Investors Love Working With Us

Discover the power of multifamily investments and unlock your financial potential. Contact us today for exclusive opportunities in emerging markets

Let's have a conversation about how real estate syndications can contribute to achieving your financial objectives.

Investors Love Working With Us

Discover the power of multifamily investments and unlock your financial potential. Contact us today for exclusive opportunities in emerging markets

Let's have a conversation about how real estate syndications can contribute to achieving your financial objectives.


PO Box 984, Dripping Springs, TX 78620.


(737) 777-9721

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